Bring Rap Squad to Your School


Screen the Film.

Rap Squad shows students that their art can be a force for positive change, both in their own lives and in their larger community. Host a screening at your local school to inspire them.

Host a Workshop.

We also offer writing workshops to help your students begin or grow in the craft of writing rap and poetry. They will experience the affirmation of creating art relevant to their lives. Learn More.

Form a Rap Squad.

If rap is the music that is most relevant to your students, then your school should form a Rap Squad. It will give your young artists a place to belong, to grow, and deepen their art. We will walk you through it.


Let’s Team Up.


The original Rap Squad was formed in community. Two teachers saw a need for artistic students to come together and build a community of honest self-expression centered on the art form that was most relevant to them: rap music.

As filmmakers, we got involved with this project, because we were a part of the students’ broader community, and we wanted to show the world what relevant art in education can do for students. Along the way, we saw the students provide not only a template for artistic and personal growth, but for racial justice and social change as well.

Now, we want that community to grow. As filmmakers, our goal with this film is to help other schools form Rap Squads so that students around the country will have access to a similar community, as well as the resources they need to express themselves.

If you are interested in helping us build this larger community by forming a Rap Squad in your school, please contact us.